National Council of Urban League Guilds

The National Council of Urban League Guilds is comprised of volunteer auxiliaries of the National Urban League. Started in New York City in 1942 by Mrs. Mollie Moon, the National Council of Guilds is divided into 85 chapters across four regions. Guild members are considered to be the heart and soul of the Urban League movement, and contribute thousands of volunteer hours annually. 
They help serve the League through raising both funds, and the public’s awareness of the nation’s largest and oldest civil service organization as well as playing a pivotal role in connecting the Urban League to the community.
Guild members are actively involved with:
  • Fundraising for events, including the annual Equal Opportunity Day (EOD) Dinner and Annual Conference
  • Working as a mentors and tutors
  • Assisting Urban League affiliates with special projects
  • Day of Service

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For additional information, please call 212-558-5303.

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