National Council of Urban League Guilds: Great Expectations

The National Council of Urban League Guilds (NCULG)


 This is who we are.  This is what we value.  This is what we expect of ourselves and each other.


 We believe in our mission…

  •  NCULG  is organized to stimulate, develop and promote volunteer participation and leadership in local Urban League Guilds consistent with the goals and objectives of the local Affiliates.
  • The mission and vision of our Guild will be known and widely shared by each member.  Each of us will make sure we understand our role in making these principals a reality.


We are volunteer partners…

NCULG values volunteer service and our role as stewards of Guild funds and resources. We will never jeopardize the Guild trust. Therefore, we will always choose the most appropriate and prudent path in our decisions and actions.







We are innovative, creative and one of the best…

  • NCULG is an innovative group of individuals and every member is always ready to respond to problems and challenges in ways that are unique.
  • NCULG is considered to be one of the best volunteer organizations in this nation. We are proud of our reputation and we produce work that maintains and enhances our excellent reputation.
  • Those who volunteer for NCULG, value and practice supporting those who need assistance and our behavior is an exceptional model of professionalism.


We are open, transparent and accessible…

  • NCULG is open and we are transparent in our interactions.  We share knowledge. We keep each other informed. We don’t rely on rumors and always seek the truth.


We treat our partners and each other professionally and with respect…

  • We follow the Golden Rule.
  • We respect each other in all our communication. Rude behavior, harsh words, the “silent treatment”, intolerance, meanness, gossip—are not a part of our culture.
  • We listen to each other and are fully engaged. We are careful not to let technology divide our attention in meetings or conversations.
  • NCULG has a team environment and mentality where the efforts of many are relied upon to accomplish our successes.
  • NCULG is a friendly group. We have a sense of humor, but never at  expense of another person
  • We value our diversity and respect cultures that may be different.


NCULG officers have a compact with our members…

  • Our leadership is close to the action; knows and cares about what is going on; is responsive; and provides motivation.
  • NCULG is an organization where officers emphasize an individual’s strengths and contributions.
  • It is a place where individuals are open to coaching and seriously work to improve their skills.
  • We admit mistakes and focus on correcting the situation quickly.


It is within our power and is our common responsibility to ensure that NCULG is and will remain a Great Organization.