
There are numerous volunteer opportunities with the National Urban League:

The National Urban League has been working to empower and transform African-American communities since our founding in 1910. Fundamental to our success has been volunteer involvement. Volunteers are the heart and soul of the Urban League movement, expanding our reach into our nation's rural, urban and suburban communities.

Our volunteers have helped to increase fundraising efforts, worked as adult mentors to youth, participated in community mobilization projects and supported the staff and programs of our more than 100 local Urban League Affiliates. We continue to provide volunteer opportunities for those who are eager to get involved and become part of the service tradition that has defined our community and our movement.

You are an integral part of our organization.
You are a critical force in supporting the National Urban League's fight to eliminate the existing gaps between African-Americans, whites and other communities of color.

You are our volunteers.
Without you, the National Urban League could not expand its reach into rural, urban and suburban communities and offer timely support to the staff and programs of our local Urban League affiliates. Volunteers are helping every day with fundraising, mentoring and participating in community mobilization efforts.

Please Remember…

Whether it is your time, your expertise or your money, your gift will change lives.