National Council of Urban League Guilds: Mission, History and Vision


The mission of the National Council of Urban League Guild is to stimulate, develop and promote volunteer participation and leadership in local Urban League Guilds consistent with the goals and the objectives of the local Affiliates and the National Urban League. The Council promotes volunteer service in the areas of fundraising, community service, community awareness and leadership development.


The National Council of Urban League Guilds is comprised of volunteer auxiliaries of the National Urban League.  Started in New York City in 1942 by Mrs. Mollie Moon, the National Council of Urban League Guilds is divided into 35 chapters across four regions. Guild members are considered to be the heart and soul of the Urban League Movement and they contribute thousands of volunteer hours annually.

We provide an invaluable capability to the National Urban League through raising both funds and the public’s awareness of the Nation’s largest and oldest Civil Service Organization, as well as playing a pivotal role in the connection of the Urban League to each of our communities.

Guild Members are actively involved with:

  • Fundraising
  • Working as mentors and tutors
  • Assisting local Urban League Affiliates special projects
  • National Healthy Awareness Day



To promote the Movement of the Urban League by incorporating progressive fundraising, leveraging community service programs and developing a cadre of dedicated, informed and loyal volunteers within our Guild organizations.