National Urban League Launches Civic Engagement Campaign 



WASHINGTON, D.C. (September 12, 2018) – Invoking the memory of civil rights martyrs like Medgar Evers and Jimmy Lee Jackson, National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial today announced a nationwide voter engagement and education campaign, “Enough is Enough. VOTE!”.”





National Urban League President Marc Morial and CBC Members Will Travel to Philadelphia Tomorrow to Discuss Policies that Will Help the African-American Community 

NEW YORK (August 28, 2018) -- National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial issued the following statement in response to the conviction of a former Texas police officer in the death of an unarmed teenager:

“We hope the murder conviction of former police officer Roy Oliver represents a new national determination to hold law enforcement accountable for reckless and unjustifiable acts of violence.

Leading National Civil Rights and Racial Justice Organizations Announce Joint Opposition to Washington NFL Team Locating New Stadium in District of Columbia 

In Cooperation with the Congressional Black Caucus, the National Urban League Launches Jobs and Justice Tour

National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial and CBC Members Will Travel to Several Cities to Discuss Policies that Will Help the African-American Community 
