NEW YORK (August 5, 2012) -- Marc H. Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League, today issued the following statement in response to the shooting at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin:
"The thoughts and prayers of the entire Urban League Movement are with the families of those lost in the Oak Creek Sikh temple shooting.
"Although the motive of the shooter has not yet been determined, adherents of the Sikh faith have all too often been the targets of harassment and violence. We deplore the ignorance and cowardice behind such attacks, and we stand with the Oak Creek community and all Americans who reject bigotry and division.
"As the FBI continues to investigate whether terrorism is at the root of this horrific crime, we are grateful for the officers who stopped the gunman and stopped the tragic event from becoming even worse.
"In this moment of sorrow, we look for a path to healing and peace."
CONTACT: Teresa Candori
(212) 558-5433