National Urban League president and CEO, Marc H. Morial, released the following statement in response to President Trump’s first State of the Union address:
“While encouraged by the President’s polished words and reconciliatory tone, successfully delivering a speech is not the same as effectively governing a country. Over the past year, we have heard a lot from President Trump, but have seen very little action consistent with the unity and progress he spoke of during last night’s State of the Union address.
“He promised safety, but rolled back civil rights for people of color. He spoke of lowering healthcare costs, then gutted the Affordable Care Act. He touted a low black unemployment rate, but didn’t propose policies to aid its decline. And he called for inclusion, while actively trying to close America’s borders.
“Although I want to believe President Trump is sincere in putting an end to divisive rhetoric and hyper-partisan policies in order to work together to create jobs, modernize infrastructure, reform immigration and restore voting rights, his actions speak louder than his words.
“In the weeks ahead, the National Urban League looks forward to evaluating President Trump’s infrastructure plan to see if he makes good on this promise, and holding Congress accountable to ensure it includes the necessary investments in urban communities that will bring our cities and residents into the 21st century and beyond.”
Contact: K. Kim Atterbury | katterbury@nul.org | (202) 629-5750
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