NUL In the News

Today, President Obama announced the appointment of Marc H. Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League, to a key Administration post: Member, President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability for Young Americans.

For the first time since President Obama took office, a group of African American civil rights leaders presented President Obama with a formal agenda.

Sometimes we have our very own "hero" -- in our midst; such was the case with Wendell G. Freeland.  Mr. Freeland, who died on January 24th, served as a Board member and Officer (Senior Vice President) of the National Urban League (1967-1975).  For many years,  Mr.

We were encouraged to hear President Obama articulate a vision – and practical proposals – that speak to the hopes and aspirations of all Americans, particularly those who have yet to achieve their American dream.

National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial gave a keynote address to a packed room of technology and telecom policy experts and government officials at the 5th Annual Broadband and Social Justice Summit High Tech Policy Luncheon outlining that supplier... Read more
