Urban League's Morial to Officials Resisting Marriage Equality: "We Are Better Than This"

NEW YORK (June 30, 2015) -- National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial today called on jurisdictions resisting marriage equality to comply with the Supreme Court's decision and treat all couples with equal dignity.
"Sadly, I am reminded of Alabama Gov. George Wallace standing in the schoolhouse door in his misguided and futile attempt to stop desegregation," Morial said. "I am certain history will remember these officials who resist marriage equality in much the same light."
In the wake of Friday's Supreme Court ruling on Obergefell v. Hodge that marriage is a constitutional right, some state and county officials have announced they will refuse to comply with what is now the law of the land.
"This is a pointless exercise in intolerance, and serves only to divide the country," Morial said. "We are better than this."
The National Urban League is a historic civil rights organization dedicated to economic empowerment in order to elevate the standard of living in historically underserved urban communities. Founded in 1910 and headquartered in New York City, the National Urban League spearheads the efforts of its local affiliates through the development of programs, public policy research and advocacy. Today, the National Urban League has 95 affiliates serving 300 communities, in 35 states and the District of Columbia, providing direct services that impact and improve the lives of more than 2 million people nationwide.

CONTACT:          Teresa Candori