Charleston Trident Urban League on Walter Scott Shooting

April 8, 2015 — Police Shooting in North Charleston, SC—We are deeply saddened by the fatal shooting of Walter L. Scott, an unarmed African American male in North Charleston, SC. Not unlike communities all across America, the North Charleston Police Department has been accused of racial profiling during traffic stops which has been met with skepticism over time.

The widely publicized video on the news and in social media showing Mr. Scott his running from the officer in no way justifies the manner in which he died. The Charleston Trident Urban League feels confident that the video will require many skeptics to rethink recent cases such as Ferguson, MO., Madison, WI and New York where African American men have died at the hands of local law enforcement.

We can no longer ignore the aggressive patrolling tactics that unfairly target poor, predominately African American and minority populations in our community. Our hope in this regrettable situation is that the judicial system will render an adequate measure of justice for the victim and his family. This is an opportunity for our community to set a precedent that “all lives matter” as the rest of the nation looks on.

While we appreciate the concerns of all those touched by this tragedy, the Charleston Trident Urban League will be meeting with local officials, law enforcement and community leaders to identify specific strategies that will allow our community to heal and to move forward.

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