

Affiliates of the National Urban League are the centers of activity in and around their community. These professionally staffed offices are where Urban League services come to life – where people and their neighborhoods grow, change, and strengthen. Found in 36 states across the U.S., including the District of Columbia, they cultivate a symbiotic relationship with local residents and companies and advocate for positive change in their communities.
Affiliates offer a wide range of services including:
  • Programs and resources for all levels of education
  • Job placement and career development training
  • Affordable housing and home buying guidance
  • Business development (i.e. entrepreneurship)
  • After-school care (Head Start, First Start Program)
  • Mentoring
  • Healthcare awareness and counseling
While all affiliates must meet the rigorous standards set by the national office, they each have the flexibility to tailor their services to local community needs, thereby ensuring the best results for the communities they serve. 

For more information regarding your local Urban League Affiliate, contact the National Urban League (212) 558-5300.