NEW YORK (August 21, 2012) -- National Urban League president and CEO Marc H. Morial today asked Nike to abandon plans to release a $315 basketball shoe, and implored parents not to spend scarce resources on an empty status symbol.
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The National Urban League posed this question in the 2012 State of Black America, and debates on the value of a college degree continue to gain momentum in households, businesses and institutions across the country.... Read more

The National Urban League Commends AT&T’s Campaign against Texting and Driving

Leading Civil Rights Organizations Join in Response to Tragedy in Oak Creek, WI

Washington, DC (August 1, 2012) – National Urban League ( President and CEO Marc H.

NEW YORK (August 5, 2012) -- Marc H. Morial, President and CEO of the National Urban League, today issued the following statement in response to the shooting at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin: